Got a new job

August 27, 2024

It’s been almost a month since I switched to this new job, I’m getting more familiar with it everyday, business, environment, people and cats(yes they’ve got cats). I kinda wanted to share some thoughts about the switch.

Normally, I wouldn’t just go and write a blog to tell people “hey I got a new job”, cuz that’s just pretentious, but this time it’s kinda different, I switched from a gov-held company, to a startup.

How did this happen?

As usual, I was scrolling over Twitter, and I saw this tweet about they were hiring, so I sent an email, and boom, I’m in! To me this still feels like a dream, imagine the last second you’re scrolling shit on the internet and the next second you got an offer, to a new job. 🙉

What really pushed me to make this decision is pretty much just, I didn’t get paid well.

And I believe this the most common reason why people change their jobs, I think my salary doesn’t match my abilities, or, the company thought that I was only worth this much, thus, less money. And you might say “hey, you could have asked your manager about the raise.”, and yes that’s exactly what I did first, and the answer is a big “No”.

For such a big company, I can kinda get the reason why it’s a “No”, they got too many people to feed, or the economic environment isn’t well for now, but at the end of the day, all of this actually doesn’t matter that much, the real reason is: I’ve always wanted to leave.

The full story

Back to the late 2018, I hadn’t been paid for 3 months at that time, as a young guy with only 2.5 years of experience in the “working world”, I had no clue what to do. My dad then suggested me to file for labor arbitration and start to search for a new job. And after a month of struggling, I finally got one.

But I quickly realized that this job might not be the best fit. The bureaucracy was suffocating, the commute was a nightmare, the tech was ancient, and there are more slackers than actual workers, I felt like that I had fallen into a trap.

And the worst thing is, I wasn’t even officially employed by the company I was working for. I was technically hired through a staffing agency as an “outsourced” employee. This just left me feeling completely disconnected from this job. How bad was it? alright, it took me 4 years, FOUR YEARS to know that there was a coffee bar on our floor, that’s how bad is was. Imagine go to the same place for years and you still look like an outsider.

My initial plan was to stay at least for a year and then seek for new chances, but then Covid-19 entered the scene…

Virus ran rampant, companies went bankrupt, people got layoffs, this rapidly changing world really scared the shit out of me, “stay for one year and go”? that plan definitely didn’t go as “planned”.

It wasn’t until this year (2024), I finally had the confident to make the move.

Is the new job good enough?

I’m not sure if it’s time to say nice things about the new job, but I will say this still: I believe it’s a worthy choice.

It’s a fresh start. the people here are young and energetic, the tech is cutting-edge and exciting. Is it perfect? Of course not, there’s no such thing as a perfect job in this world as long as it is a job🤡. But it’s promising, and for the first time in a long while, I’m feeling hopeful.